This workshop begins with a guided tour of our 18th Century working watermill, led by our Miller.
See the mill in action, use quern stones to grind grain and learn how cogs and gears harness the power of the water to produce flour. You'll then get the chance to use our stoneground flour to develop your food preparation skills to make your own bread roll to take home. Your workshop can also include a visit to the museum's current exhibition and/or an additional activity linked to the scientific or creative aspects of this workshop.
- Suitable for KS1 and KS2
- Location: The Watermill, Hatfield, AL9 5PD
- Dates/Times: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 10am - 12.15/30
Curriculum Links: Science, History, Maths, English, Design Technology (Food) Creative Arts
Please contact us to book and to discuss your visit itinerary.
When your booking is confirmed you will receive a pack with all the information you will need to ensure you and your class have a great visit.
Price: Half-day £8.40 per child, full day £11 per child